Video by Occupied Stories
You may already love, or at least be familiar with, the B Media Collective through their regular People’s Cinema events at the Occupy Portland camp. If so, you’ll want to be at St. Francis this Friday at 8 pm for the world premiere of the local activist-filmmaker group’s Occupation Nation. According to the group, “This movie slams the…
By Adam Rothstein During the celebration of the six-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, the phrase was repeated again and again: “See you in May.” The phrase refers to the plans for this coming May Day–the historical workers’ holiday and a day of action for many causes around the world–which this year will bring Occupy…
video by frAMEd crooks
Video by OccupyTVNY
Hip-hop track contributed by Psilly Cyban.
Video by Occupy Portland Media Coalition
Occupy Portland Media Coalition, a close partner of The Occupier, has started a targeted ad campaign using their video “Enough is Enough” (above). Every view of the video not only spreads the message of their video, but also drives viewers back to their continued campaign to get the video as wide a play as possible. You too can help their campaign by donating on Loudsauce, if you like this video and think that others should see it.
#Revolution from Deborah Bloom on Vimeo.
How social media has changed the face of protesting and how the US government intends to stop it: a short documentary by local film-maker Deborah Bloom.
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: When The Thames Froze – Smith & Burrows | Music Video | VEVO –