This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Ed Sutton When I first moved to Switzerland five years ago, I didn’t have a clear idea of what I would be doing here or how long I would stay. So I packed relatively light, and for the…
Tag: strategy
The Whole World Stops Watching
This article originally appeared on the Portland Radicle. By Mike and Emily Occupy is dead. Its original incarnation has reached its memetic peak, and it cannot re-create a spectacle akin to that of last fall. Mainstream media, crucial to popular awareness of Occupy Wall Street, has made the judgment that if Occupiers can’t force it…
Flash Encampments
This article was originally published on Adbusters. Hey all you wild cats, do-gooders and steadfast rebels out there, Our movement is living through a painful rebirth… “There has been a unfortunate consolidation of power in #OWS,” writes one founding Zuccotti. “This translates into ideological dominance and recurring lines of thought. We are facing a nauseating…
Radical Geometry: A Constructive Critique of the Radical March on May Day
by Gina Ronning OK radicals–it’s time to sit down and have a serious conversation on what it means to have strategy and tactics in a political action. First, for those more timid about challenging the status quo I feel it imperative to remind our citizenry that despite local ordinances the right to peacefully assemble absent…
M1: A Letter Regarding the May Day March
This story is part of our feature about the many protest events on May 1, 2012. Visit the feature page to see more. by Victory Woodhull Hello there, My name is Victory and I participated in the unpermitted march on May Day. I wanted to offer a critical perspective on the effectiveness of the day…
The Four Legs of Activism
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By Michael Schultz The first leg of activism is knowledge. It is important to look squarely at the issues of the day without illusion. As a good friend of mine is fond of saying, the core of activism is “between your ears”. Critical analysis of the world is the first step toward understanding what is…
Diverse Ideologies Fuel Diverse Tactics
by Ahjami Umi A wise man in Africa once told me that, contrary to popular opinion, everyone functions based on an ideology. He said that even the simple act of using the bathroom is a political action that requires an underlying thought process. If you don’t believe that, try finding a welcoming bathroom when you’re…
Occupy’s ‘Shut Down the Corporations’ Action: Building Change One Action at a Time
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By Vargus Pike It can be said the Occupy movement’s national day of action, “Shut Down the Corporations”, was a success for many reasons. On the local Portland level a thousand people braved some of the worst weather of the year to demonstrate against a few of the corporate and legislative members of the American…
Occupy’s ‘Shut Down the Corporations’ Action: Success or Failure?
By Shamus Cooke The Occupy movement’s national day of action — “Shut Down the Corporations” — is a difficult action to assess. Was the action a success or a failure? The first question that needs to be answered is, what were the action’s goals? Many of the activists who performed civil disobedience during the day…
Defensive Black Bloc Tactics
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by Shawn Fleek ‘De-arrest‘ – Street tactic used by marchers and protesters who directly engage with police to assist in the escape of individuals who are in the process of being arrested. When a participant is apprehended by authorities, one or more people will rush the officer an attempt to either confuse them or pull…