Tag: revolution
Occupy is Dead — Long Live Bike Swarm! We Ride This Friday!
The Real is on the Rise
This article was originally published on UMFNYC. When we took over the Vietnam Memorial on May 1, we were surrounded. We were surrounded on all sides by the infrastructure of this world, all that sustains it beyond its expiration like a giant life support system: the buildings that house corporations, the surveillance cameras, the police,…
Let’s Take Uncle Sam and Uncle Scrooge off Life-Support (Us)

By Elona Trogub Capitalists are great at making money but they’re terrible at predicting the future. All those dollar signs get in the way of seriously looking at the long-term consequences of their actions. Our government is run by and for capitalists. That’s why the U.S. spends half of the global total on militarization. Capitalism…
Counter Revolution Disguised as Democracy in Egypt
by Shamus Cooke In a country where the embers of revolution are still glowing, you would assume that a presidential election would produce a revolutionary-appearing government. Not so in Egypt. The revolutionaries who toppled the hated dictator Mubarak will have zero representation in the upcoming runoff election for president. Those who opposed the revolution, however,…
Quit Drinking, Found a Revolution
by: Angela Horton What happens when you play by the rules, but still can’t get ahead? Confronting this problem in my own life lead me to an internal revolution. I went to college when I graduated from high school. By the time I was twenty-one, I had an associates degree and $20,000 of debt. Unable…
Scan This
by Lester Macgurdy I hate committee meetings. I always have the same recurring fantasy when stuck in another of these seemingly endless rant fests: a kindly infiltrator sneaks up behind me and pumps a round of double-aught buck into the back of my melon. I picture my head exploding like a piƱata filled with raspberry…