Tag: Portland Police Bureau

Breaking the Blue Code of Silence

By Christina Schüll Police brutality — something I never thought of when I was a kid. Something I never really thought of as an adult, that is until protesters of the Occupy movement collided with police in Portland and throughout the rest of the country. As news from other cities poured in, I kept asking…

Candidates Answer Questions at Police Accountability Forum

By Paul Cone Continuing a string of meetings focused on police accountability, candidates responded to community questions regarding police accountability last Thursday night, at the June Key Community Center in North Portland. Sponsored by the Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice & Police Reform, the forum was split into three sections, with Portland City Council…

Occupy Portland Members Shot While Sleeping

by Lester Macgurdy In the early morning hours of the 21st of this month, two Occupy Portland participants and former Chapman and Lownsdale encampment residents were shot in an act of random violence while asleep under the Morrison bridge. Both men are reported to be in fair condition. The victims have been identified as Carter…

Speak Out Against Chemical Weapons

By Rochelle Saliba If you showed up at a seminal Occupy Portland moment—eviction day, Shemanski, Jamison—you either were a witness to, or the victim of, tactics currently being deployed by our local police state. Some people bristle at the notion that Portland does indeed constitute a police state. Portlanders, like most Americans, are understandably shaky…

Lessons Learned from Occupy Oakland: Tactical Response to “Kettling”

This website does not advocate or suggest any specific act. This essay was crafted and published as solely a piece of rhetoric, and it ought to be interpreted as nothing else. by Lester Macgurdy Kettling is the law enforcement tactic of herding protesters into a confined area so that the protesters cannot avoid arrest. This…

Portland Police Prove the Point of Anti-Police Brutality March

by Nicholas Caleb and Adam Rothstein When the Portland Police tell you that your language is “hostile and escalating,” it is probably a cause for concern. This is what happened on the evening of February 6th, when many people from Occupy Portland first found out about an Anti-Police Brutality March via a Porland Police Bureau…


by Christina Schüll It was the night of November 14th, and there was a spontaneous late-night march in downtown Portland. Several Occupy camps were evicted by authorities that night, including Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, and Occupy Zürich. Around 10:30, I was leaving the area around Pioneer Square and noticed some folks had their belongings…

Today in Occupy: December 8, 2011

Denis Theriault, Portland Mercury’s News Editor, explains the source (and controversy) of 500 Occupy Portland t-shirts handed out on November 13, 2011. Justin James Bridges, Occupy Portland’s ASL interpreter, testifies at a City Council hearing on police accountability. Bridges was injured in the November 13 police actions to evict Occupy Portland demonstrators. More information: press@occupyportland.org…

Mayor Sam Adams is Not a Friend of the Occupation

Mayor Sam Adams is in the perhaps enviable position of being portrayed in the media as sympathetic to the Occupation in his city. Such a portrait makes his harsh directives against the Occupation look like compromises, and when not taking steps against the Occupation, his inaction looks like support. However, this rosy picture of our…