This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Chicago Tribune. By Chris Geovanis The week that Trayvon Martin’s killing blew up as a national story, another Black person died of her skin color on the west side of Chicago. 22-year-old Rekia Boyd was shot in the head Wednesday,…
Tag: Police Brutality
Anti-Police Brutality Protesters Wage Constitutional Battle
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By Occupier Staff The legal battle continues for three Occupy Portland activists arrested at a February 6 Occupy Oakland Solidarity and Anti-Police Brutality March. Emmalyn Garrett, Taylor Sharpe and Nefi Bravo are seeking evidence and witnesses to aid them in the fight to uphold their constitutional rights. The trio have joined the mass defense for…
Video: Frashour Has Got To Go
Demanding Justice, In The Courtrooms And In The Streets

By Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and K. Kendall On Monday, April 2nd, members of Occupy Portland were once again swarming around the area of Chapman and Lownsdale Squares, bringing their grievances to the courts and City Hall. On this beautiful spring day, folks might have wished to be somewhere else enjoying themselves, but many were…
DA and Portland Police Lack Continuity
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by Mungen Cakes and Big Jon The Oregonian article “Occupy Portland Cases Crowding Court System” by Kate Mather, (March 15, 2012) illuminates a disturbing lack of continuity between actions of the District Attorney and the Portland Police Bureau. Occupy Portland defendants are being charged with misdemeanor offenses, such as interfering with a police officer, criminal…
In New York City Thousands March for Trayvon Martin
This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. Editor’s Note: There is a solidarity rally in support of Trayvon Martin in Portland on Saturday, March 24th in Peninsula Park at 9 AM. by Jennifer Sacks Though tensions in Occupied Union Square Park ran high after…
VIDEO: NYPD Make Arrests at Occupy Wall Street 6-Month Anniversary
Video by BergenInc
Occupy Miami Held at Gunpoint
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This story is from the Occupied News Wire. This story originally appeared at the Occupied Wall Street Journal and on Occupied Stories. The call had been issued by Occupy Atlanta, Occupy Glen Iris and Take Back The Block to occupy Chase Bank and shut it down. Occupy Miami had been in a dormant yet turbulent state for a while. We hadn’t organized any…
UPDATE: A Repairable Racism Within Occupy Portland
Please See Below for Update By Ahjamu Umi A few weeks ago, I wrote two articles on racism within the Occupy movement. Although I, and several people who responded to my articles, supplied several examples of how racism exists within the Occupy movement (simply because racism exists in every aspect of U.S. society and Occupy…
Birthplace of the Occupy Movement Raided, Barricaded on 6-Month Anniversary
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This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Jennifer Sacks and Jed Brandt Once again, police brought violence to a peaceful, joyous gathering, arresting demonstrators after they massed in Liberty Square on the six-month anniversary of the founding of Occupy Wall Street. People began…