Tag: Police Brutality

U.S. Department of Justice Finds Portland Police Guilty of Using Excessive Force Against People With Mental Illness

Chief Reese Deletes “I disagree with the Department of Justice’s findings” From His Online Statement   Story by Pete Shaw At a crowded press conference on the 14th floor of the Portland Justice Center on Thursday, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) announced its findings of an investigation, launched on June 8, 2011.  The…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This week in Occupy, Pussy Riot was sentenced to two years in Russian prison, we expressed solidarity with General Motors hunger strikers in Colombia, activists far and nigh set their sights on Tampa and the Republican National Convention, and the one-year Occuversary is approaching. #After a short trial, three members of Pussy Riot, an all-girl…

Occupy Trials Lined Up on Fall Court Docket

By Andrea Townsend The Multnomah County Courthouse was buzzing with Occupiers and their lawyers on August 16 as they awaited Judge Cheryl Albrecht’s latest ruling on matters relating to numerous Occupy Portland arrests, interactions and altercations over the past year. Beginning on August 23 and continuing through November, Occupiers and their supporters will flood the…

Occupy Portland Elder Caucus Meets with the Mayor’s Office to Discuss Police Abuse

By Lauren Paulson On May Day, 2012 Portland police abuse was chillingly captured on camera throughout Portland that day.  This resonated with Occupy Portland’s senior group, The Elder Caucus.  Immediately, thereafter, members of The Elder Caucus coalesced with a purpose to address Portland’s problem of police abuse directly with the Mayor’s office. First, the Elders…

Convicted for Conviction

By Jackie Miller On May Day 2012, Angela Hammit marched in the rain with an umbrella in her right hand and a sign with an anarchy symbol in her left. Like the majority of marchers, she walked through the streets unless the cops pressed the crowd onto the sidewalk. At Salmon and Broadway, she moved…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This week in Occupy, the Occupy National Gathering is under way in Philadelphia, Los Angeles rejects Wal-mart, hundreds marched on California’s capitol to demand a foreclosure moratorium and two Brazilian activists pay with their lives for speaking at the People’s Summit in Rio. #The Occupy National Gathering is in full swing in Philadelphia until July…

Getting Ready for the Beat Down

by Vargus Pike I’m getting ready for the beat down I know it’s on the way. I’m getting ready for the beat down Just a matter of time. Uppity freedom talkers dare to talk freedom Saying he has a RIGHT to be an individual. She claims the right to determine her OWN destiny They clearly…

#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines

This story is from the Occupied News Wire.  It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. YOUR WEEKLY ROUNDUP OF OCCUPY MOVEMENT NEWS By Jennifer Sacks This week in Occupy, the Cruz family was rebuffed by PNC Bank, Rio + 20 was mic-checked and #occupied, Egyptians took to the streets to demand an election and…

The NYPD Rewrites History

This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published on Occupy.com. by Josh Sterns After serving as the epicenter for press suppression and journalist arrests over the last nine months, the NYPD is trying to rewrite history and pretend like nothing ever happened. On Friday, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and NYPD spokesman…

Occupy Wall Street – Taking it to the Streets

This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Times. by Michael Richmond Two direct actions in three nights. Both started out from Washington Square Park in Lower Manhattan, and both were ostensibly in solidarity with the huge mobilisation of protesters in Québec against raised tuition fees and the…