by Nicholas Caleb and Adam Rothstein When the Portland Police tell you that your language is “hostile and escalating,” it is probably a cause for concern. This is what happened on the evening of February 6th, when many people from Occupy Portland first found out about an Anti-Police Brutality March via a Porland Police Bureau…
Tag: Police Brutality
Narratives of Police Brutality and Persecution: Occupy Portland Media Reports from Oakland
by Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and Occupy Portland Media Correspondents Arlo, Mike, and KMT On January 28th, Occupy Oakland attempted to occupy a long-shuttered convention hall, for the purposes of starting a community center. The result was an all-out assault on the protesters of Occupy Oakland by the police force of that city, resulting in…
From Oakland, to All of Occupy
By Vargus Pike & Adam Rothstein January 28th was a day blackened by the dark armor of riot police clear across the North American continent. In Oakland, the efforts of Occupy protesters to build a community center in a long abandoned convention hall were blocked by brutal repression at the hands of law enforcement. Over…
Witnesses: Injured Man Went Unattended For Half an Hour Because the Police Cancelled the Emergency Call

Left: Justin, right, Charles NB: I removed this article the day after posting it (December 15th) in response to a witness of the events and friend of Justin James Bridges contacting me, concerned that Larry Thompson and John Swilley (whose last name I spelled wrong in the original article) had in fact witnessed another man,…
Elsewhere in Occupy for December 15th through December 18th
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: The First Zuccotti Park: Hooverville – Justice Department faults Seattle police use of force – – Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich, The Fall of the "Liberal Elite" | TomDispatch – Another Occupy Portland Sitdown with Mayor Sam Adams | Blogtown, PDX – Occupy the…
Elsewhere in Occupy for December 8th through December 10th
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: Daily Occupations Report Dec. 9, 2011 | Free Speech TV – Occupy vs. Big Labor – Occupy Wall Street – – The Foot Cavalry of the 99 Percent » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names – VIDEO: OWS Occupies Movie-Set Replica Of Itself, for…
Mayor Sam Adams is Not a Friend of the Occupation
Mayor Sam Adams is in the perhaps enviable position of being portrayed in the media as sympathetic to the Occupation in his city. Such a portrait makes his harsh directives against the Occupation look like compromises, and when not taking steps against the Occupation, his inaction looks like support. However, this rosy picture of our…
D3: Four Photos of Police Brutality
You can contact The Occupier and submit your photos and videos at “I talked with sergeants last night,” Simpson said. “It’s pretty unlikely we hit someone in the face with a baton.” – Sgt. Simpson of the PPB We should ask Sgt. Simpson about the back of the head. At The Occupier, we take…
Today in Occupy: December 4, 2011
Occupy Portland sustained Portland Police Bureau’s attempted eviction from Shemanski Park. Approximately 75 demonstrators remained in the early morning. Thirty demonstrators slept in the park overnight. The Portland Police Bureau released a statement that Occupy Portland demonstrators used children as human shields and that no children suffered injury. Oregonian photographer Ray Whitehouse published evidence of…
Police Brutality: Send Evidence Here
Urgent request to the public: to end the police coverup of violence, we need your photos and videos that show police brutality in progress. Upload your photos and videos to any service you like (Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and send links to your evidence, labeled Police Brutality, to the following addresses: and…