Tag: poetry

Past Presence

Story and photo by Pete Shaw History, it is said, is written by the victors. Their perspective and their stories are presented as unimpeachable. From this favored perch, the present is interpreted and the path to the future is mapped. A new book, Memory & Place in Black Portland, adds its voice to the long…

Getting Ready for the Beat Down

by Vargus Pike I’m getting ready for the beat down I know it’s on the way. I’m getting ready for the beat down Just a matter of time. Uppity freedom talkers dare to talk freedom Saying he has a RIGHT to be an individual. She claims the right to determine her OWN destiny They clearly…

Can You Hear the Droning?

by Benjamin D. Bricker Can You Hear the Droning? there’s no place like rome vomit like you got a pair there’s no place like rome waving the fascist standard like you just don’t care there’s no place like rome all we have we stole whole hog pay the toll there’s no place like home all…

Chimes Times and Pithy Rhymes

by Robin Ryan I daresay yo to the powers that be You are not going to like the likes of me I like less the likes of you As one who has been done unto The differences between us are indeed vast As I contend deeper values be and are bound to outlast I see…

What if: A Collective Litany

by A Musing What if the sheriff ‘s department delivered a foreclosure and said, “We’re delivering this but we will not enforce it” ? What if the locksmith company was booked well in advance and couldn’t come by to change the locks …. ever ? What if the policeman refused to arrest a six-year-old child…

The Reasons for My Resistance

by Julie Mccurdy the reasons for my resistance…….. still we stand ready for the next assault to our dignity to our senses to our sustainability locked and loaded we stand just because the genocide you peddle is now bottled and loaded into rigs or pipes doesn’t make it any more or less genocide…….. yes i…

Poems by David S. Pointer

by David S. Pointer Poetic Resilience -In Memory of Federico Garcia Lorca My capacity to care concerning all poems political had been depleted like the Spanish dolphin population off the coast of compassion in the exotic Alboran Sea until I realized I live in a land that produces more new prisons, more new destructive products,…

Unleaded (For The Moderates)

by Son of Suburbia Mud tufts on the overpass tinge black, Not withstanding the oily rainbowed shine of progress. “Crank the A.C., the heater, the noise.” (terminate engine droning boring exhaust) We’ve got plenty miles left and We don’t yet know where. That mechanical lull of windshield wipers for a roadtrippin rainstorm. It’s too calm…

I Am

by Kate Fitzgerald I do not comply I defy you I will not be silent Not wait my turn I will stand on tables and shout For everything you are against I will chain myself To your fences Scream when you ask for silence Leave my blood on your steps Bully and I will call…