Tag: Occupy Portland Media Coalition
(Video) #F29 Shut Down the Corporations
Occupy Portland calls for a national day of non-violent direct action to reclaim our voices and challenge our society’s obsession with profit and greed by shutting down the corporations. We are rejecting a society that does not allow us control of our future. We will reclaim our ability to shape our world in a democratic, cooperative, just and sustainable direction. Already 30+ cities are planning actions. Get involved and find out more at www.shutdownthecorporations.org.
The Portland Action Lab is a direct action spokes council organizing as part of Occupy Portland. More info at www.portlandactionlab.org.
Change in Police Strategy?
This two-and-a-half-minute video from Occupy Portland Media Coalition explores the question, Why have the police changed their strategy since N17? Your own opinions welcome in comments.