by Lester Macgurdy In the early morning hours of the 21st of this month, two Occupy Portland participants and former Chapman and Lownsdale encampment residents were shot in an act of random violence while asleep under the Morrison bridge. Both men are reported to be in fair condition. The victims have been identified as Carter…
Tag: Mayor Sam Adams
Interview with Portland Mayoral Candidate Cameron Whitten

Cameron Whitten, an activist from Occupy Portland, is running for Mayor. Adam Rothstein interviewed him, and asked him some questions about his campaign, and how it came out of the Occupy movement. Adam Rothstein: How is the campaign going? Cameron Whitten: It’s going really well. I’m meeting new people every day. AR: What’s in the…
by Christina Schüll It was the night of November 14th, and there was a spontaneous late-night march in downtown Portland. Several Occupy camps were evicted by authorities that night, including Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, and Occupy Zürich. Around 10:30, I was leaving the area around Pioneer Square and noticed some folks had their belongings…
Occupier Media Roundup for January 4th through January 6th
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: My Student, the ‘Terrorist’ – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education – H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act ( – Sunday, January 8th: March To Save The USPS, Support Unions and Fight Privatization « What They’re Feeding Me – Occupy group says 1,600 people…
Letter from Erin Madden
On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to spend unregulated and undisclosed sums of money on elections. The Citizens United decision has led to unprecedented campaign spending by corporations, drowning out the voices of We…
Stand Up or Stand Down: An Open Letter to Mayor Sam Adams
AN OPEN LETTER TO MAYOR SAM ADAMS (read before City Council on December 14, 2011) Mr. Mayor, I voted for you and have supported and believed in you. Recently though, I have questioned your actions in regards to the Occupy movement. You are lucky to be mayor of such a fine city. Portlanders have flair,…
Mayor Sam Adams is Not a Friend of the Occupation
Mayor Sam Adams is in the perhaps enviable position of being portrayed in the media as sympathetic to the Occupation in his city. Such a portrait makes his harsh directives against the Occupation look like compromises, and when not taking steps against the Occupation, his inaction looks like support. However, this rosy picture of our…
Today in Occupy: December 4, 2011
Occupy Portland sustained Portland Police Bureau’s attempted eviction from Shemanski Park. Approximately 75 demonstrators remained in the early morning. Thirty demonstrators slept in the park overnight. The Portland Police Bureau released a statement that Occupy Portland demonstrators used children as human shields and that no children suffered injury. Oregonian photographer Ray Whitehouse published evidence of…
Today in Occupy: December 3, 2011
Dogcupy Portland plans to hold its third anti-bank demonstration at 11 am on SE Hawthorne at 37th. This weekly demonstration aims for a fun atmosphere that delivers a cute message. More information: The ReOccuFest starts at 2 pm, marches at 3 pm, and aims to start a new, two-week cycle of occupations. More information:…
Occupiers Respond: Open Letters to Sam Adams
On Monday, November 7th, Mayor Sam Adams wrote an open letter to Occupy Portland, highlighting his concerns about the current unsustainability of the camp. Three Occupiers responded to him with their own open letters. We publish the Mayor’s letter, and these three responses to show that within the diversity of opinion here among the Occupiers,…