by Mungen Cakes Two occupiers arrested during the events on May Day had a winning day in court on July 9, 2012. The trials for Mr. 60 and Tommy “tboypdx” Murray, a well known streamer and member of the opdxlive, were held in Room 124 of the Multnomah County Courthouse and presided over by a…
Tag: Livestream
Livestream and the Raised, Blue-Gloved Fist
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by Jess E. Hadden I’m revising this draft, over a cup of coffee, from roughly umpteen-thousand feet in the air, as I return to my beloved city in Cascadia. For the first time in a long time, I boarded an airplane without first being fondled by blue-gloved agents of security theater. Earlier, as I awaited…
Transparency vs. Security: The Two-Headed Beast

By Adam Rothstein Another terminological quandary that Occupy has found itself snared within recently is the issue of Transparency Culture versus Security Culture. Similar to other issues that we are slowly teasing out, explaining, and working through, the impasse with this issue is that viewing the argument in opposing terms has formed a poor understanding…
If a Tree Falls: Including the Many Voices of Occupy Portland
by members of the Livestream Team This week, Occupy Portland’s General Assembly passed a proposal implementing an online system for chat-room participants of the OPDX Livestream channel to voice consensus. The passing of this proposal is an innovative and positive advancement for the greater Occupy Portland community, overcoming fears and objections through working together and…