Tag: labor

Victory? Inching toward possible agreement between ILWU & EGT

by Adam Rothstein ***We’ve heard conflicting statements about the accuracy of the original article. The article below reflects our most current knowledge. We’re awaiting updates and will report as soon as they are available.*** Sources close to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 21 in Longview, Washington say that West Coast Occupations and all…

Progressive Party Joins Occupy on Longview Strike

by Barbara G. Ellis By a unanimous vote of its executive board last Tuesday the Oregon Progressive Party became the only political party so far to join the Occupy movement in condemning the upcoming use of U.S. Coast Guard ships and helicopters as an armed scab force. The federal action is designed to protect a…

UPDATED: EGT to Potentially Settle Contract with ILWU

by Adam Rothstein UPDATE:Occupy the EGT has put out a press release, acknowledging the possibility of a settlement. According to the statement, “Anonymous sources indicate that President McElrath [of the ILWU] has negotiated a tentative agreement, which states that no work at the terminal in Longview will be performed until a labor agreement is reached.”…

Is there Really Such a Thing as a Middle Class?

by Ahjamu Umi We constantly hear the term “middle class” thrown around by politicians and the corporate media as a term designed to define everyday people, but never do these folks make even a half-hearted attempt to define what that term means. I would argue that a major reason why the term is never defined…

Occupier Media Roundup for January 17th – January 19th

Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: Showdown looms in Longview | nwLaborPress Daily Kos: Occupy San Diego:Arrested for Felony Conspiracy January 16th, 2012 – Portland Marches To Honor MLK Day « What They’re Feeding Me Occupy Nation Occupy Congress protests at Capitol

Postal Union Representatives Team up with Occupy

By Howard Peter Former and current Portland-area postal workers turned out for a rally at Pioneer Square this past Sunday, January 8, to get the message out that there are some bad changes are coming to America in the form of House Res. 2309 & Senate Bill 1789. Jamie Partridge, a retired postal worker at…

How to Infiltrate and Destroy a Political Movement

by Lester MacGurdy When we think of infiltrating and destroying a movement, we assume that means attempting to bring about the immediate end of the movement. This is a naive perception of the actual mechanics of infiltrating and destroying a popular political movement of the people. Why would CIA, FBI, etc. want to destroy OWS?…

Jobs for Justice March

A coalition of occupiers and trade unionists gathered October 22nd to march across the Columbia River and join activists from Occupy Vancouver. Labor campaign veterans from many trade unions including communications workers, longeshoreman, and plumbers demonstrated in solidarity with workers fighting for their rights at the Vancouver Hilton Hotel. About 300 people, including a school…