by Lauren Paulson Eviction Court Any way you look at it, you don’t want to be there. Eviction Court. First floor of the Multnomah County Courthouse. It is a desultory place. The welcome mat is not there for you. To get in you have to get naked. Well almost. There is a gauntlet of ten…
Tag: houselessness
The Privilege to Protest: Hidden Classism and Ableism in the Radical-Left Movements

By Sarah Morrigan In anticipation of what could potentially be one of the greatest May Day demonstrations in the recent history of North America, major news outlets reported that police departments everywhere were geared up and prepared for whatever the confrontations they were planning on. Special attention should be paid as to whether there was…
Two Fingers Away from Safety
A War on Homelessness, or a War on the Homeless?
by Nick Cooper On March 2, Hank Rush, the CEO of Houston’s Star of Hope Mission—who makes a quarter-million dollar salary for his work with the poor—joined several other homeless service leaders in signing a commentary in the Houston Chronicle. They gave their support to a new law that would impose a $2,000 fine on unpaid volunteers for sharing…
Video: May Day
Got Foreclosure? Just Say No
By K. Kendall Don’t be afraid. Don’t let the cops, the sheriffs, and the banks intimidate you. If your house has been marked for foreclosure, fight back–don’t let them take it. Above all, don’t leave your home. There is an organized, energized, nationwide community that will stand with you to occupy your home. This is…
Protestors Gather to Call Attention to Civil Rights Violations Against Houseless
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By Pete Shaw Approximately 60 people gathered at Pioneer Courthouse Square Sunday afternoon as part of a national day of action calling attention to civil rights violations directed against people without housing. Against the backdrop of “Portland’s Living Room”, where members of the public are harassed for sleeping and engaging in other aspects of living,…
Committee to End Homelessness and Portland’s Ten-Year Plan
by Shawn Fleek Occupy Portland’s Committee to End Homelessness is holding a meeting at the First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson St, on March 21st from 3 to 5 pm. The meeting is open to the public, who are invited to bring ideas about how to solve Portland’s homelessness problem. The city is currently…
The Unmet Demand for Subsidized Housing
By Joel Handley This morning at 6 a.m., Mercy Housing Lakefront, a subsidized housing provider, opened up “wait lists” to two of its apartment buildings: the Belray apartments at Belmont and Racine, and the Major Jenkins Apartments at Winthrop and Argyle. In total, Mercy Housing will accept 325 new applicants to its waiting lists. Between…
Occupy Portland Members Shot While Sleeping
by Lester Macgurdy In the early morning hours of the 21st of this month, two Occupy Portland participants and former Chapman and Lownsdale encampment residents were shot in an act of random violence while asleep under the Morrison bridge. Both men are reported to be in fair condition. The victims have been identified as Carter…