by Stephen Quirke Steve Novick is an odd fellow. He seems to fashion himself a rebel, a brave upstart pushing bold new ideas. But I’ve been noticing some weird things about Novick, a pattern that I’m finding it hard to ignore. That pattern is simply this: on the big issues – on the structural things…
Tag: Elections
A Few Good Democrats are Not Enough
This piece is from the Occupied News Wire. It originally appeared in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Max Berger As long as there has been a thing called Occupy Wall Street, there have been people who’ve suggested it should become the left’s version of the Tea Party. Josh Harkinson’s piece is a notable contribution to the…
Radical/Anti-Capitalist Caucus Rejects Legitimacy of Elections
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by the Radical Anti-Capitalist Caucus With state primaries on the horizon, the Radical/Anti-Capitalist Caucus of Occupy Portland rejects the legitimacy of this year’s elections. We believe city problems are inadequately addressed by local elected officials. These problems can only be addressed by a politics of popular liberation and direct community empowerment. Regardless of who wins…
(Only a Few) Candidates Gone Wild
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By Elona Trogub “Candidates Gone Wild”, an event organized by the Bus Project, was not only an exercise in democracy, it was a blatant slap in democracy’s face–a reminder that our democracy only goes as far as the thickness of a candidate’s checkbook. Although poignant questions about racism and equity were raised–for example, why only…
Video: Portland Mayoral Candidate Eileen Brady Thinks Beating Citizens is the “Best of Portland”
The Case for Voting
This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published by The Boston Occupier. By Josh Sager The voting booth is the means by which average Americans can directly affect their federal, state, and local governments. Voting allows Americans to select politicians who represent the views and ideologies that they would like represented in…
Practicing the Politics of the Impossible
This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Boston Occupier. by Doug Enaa Greene The U.S. electoral system is all about what the system deems possible. During each election season we are given the choice between a few politicians who promise change; we vote and then things remain the…
American Nightmare: How The WTO Is Impoverishing The US
by Bruce R. Dennis When this country was founded, it was based on democracy, freedom, and an opportunity to live what eventually became known as the “American Dream”. The direction that our elected leaders have taken us in the last few decades goes away from democracy in favor of corporate domination, with the ultimate goal…