Story and photos by Pete Shaw As the Portland Public Schools (PPS) Board of Education–with the notable exception of Board member Steve Buel–tries to ram a contract down the throats of the teachers, the students have a message for them: teachers’ working conditions are our learning conditions. The recent push for school reform, at least…
Tag: education
History of the Portland Women’s Movement: Fighting for Ideas and Dollars
By Sandy Polishuk In May, History of Social Justice Organizing will present part three of its History of the Portland Women’s Movement: Fighting for Ideas and Dollars Join us on at 7pm on Thursday, May 22nd at Portland State University in the second floor gallery of the Urban Affairs Building, 506 SW Mill Street, for…
The People’s School – The Lakeview Sit-In
An EPIC Lawsuit to Protect Education Privacy
by Kris Alman The sub-title of an article in the current issue of the Atlantic Monthly, The Data-Driven Parent, asks, “Will statistical analytics make for healthier, happier babies—or more anxious adults?” I think it’s only a matter of time before the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, the bible for psychiatrists, includes data-driven madness. But before that, the…
“Shame!” on Parkrose School Board
By Meredith Reese, with reporting by K. Kendall “Shame on you!” demonstrators chanted, as the Parkrose School District, led by Superintendent Karen Fischer Gray, said NO to teachers. A supportive community of some fifty people, including representatives of Occupy Portland and Jobs With Justice, expressed support for teachers who say they will strike as a…
Teachers Need Their Community to Stand With Them Against Exploitation

by Greg Margolis On March 20, 2012, an estimated crowd of 1,500 teachers and community members, including parents and students, gathered in the Gresham High School gymnasium to rally and march in support of the Gresham-Barlow Education Association, Reynolds Education Association and Parkrose Faculty Association in their efforts to bargain a fair contract with the…
East County School Teachers Stand Strong Against Cuts to Education
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By Greg Margolis and Adam Rothstein A critical part of the strategy of the corporate campaign to maximize profits has been focused on attacking organized workers and eliminating unions. Over the last forty years this systemic attack on workers has successfully eliminated most unions in the private sector. Today, the emphasis is on public workers.…
FERPA, higher education and Oregon’s Project ALDER
by Kris Alman U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has called No Child Left Behind (NCLB) a “slow motion train wreck.” [1] Certain aspects of Governor Kitzhaber’s education reforms, under the Oregon Education Investment Board, seem destined to accelerate the train along the path to impending disaster. The Oregonian Editorial Board sees Governor Kitzhaber’s health…
Occupier Media Roundup for January 4th through January 6th
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: My Student, the ‘Terrorist’ – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education – H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act ( – Sunday, January 8th: March To Save The USPS, Support Unions and Fight Privatization « What They’re Feeding Me – Occupy group says 1,600 people…
Letter from Illona Trogub
I was drawn to the Occupy Movement because I recognized a revolutionary moment. I’m 27 years old. I’ve been involved with activism in one form or another since I was 13. For the first time in my life, I feel like my sentiment resonates with the majority of people around the world. A huge awakening…