by Jackie Miller The afternoon of Friday, July 6 was yet another hearing for over seventy activists arrested at protests ranging from October 13 to May 24. All the defendants’ charges were dropped to violations which, in Multnomah County, denies them access to court-appointed attorneys and jury trials. The afternoon began unhappily when the judge…
Tag: Courts
Post-Arrest FAQ: Know the Courts, Occupy the Courts
by Chris O’Connor and Stu Sugarman Many resources are available to explain your constitutional rights when you are facing arrest. But what happens after you have been arrested? The Occupier recently asked lawyers Chris O’Connor and Stu Sugarman to answer some “Frequently Asked Questions”. Arraign-what? An arraignment is the first hearing in many criminal and…
First Occupy Portland-Related Trial Presents A Unique Challenge For The State

By Adam Rothstein At 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 17, Jonathan Zook sat down in the courtroom of Judge Karin Immergut, to witness the selection of a jury of his peers–the first jury for an Occupy-related court case in Portland. Zook is charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct in the second degree, interfering with an…
Anti-Police Brutality Protesters Wage Constitutional Battle
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By Occupier Staff The legal battle continues for three Occupy Portland activists arrested at a February 6 Occupy Oakland Solidarity and Anti-Police Brutality March. Emmalyn Garrett, Taylor Sharpe and Nefi Bravo are seeking evidence and witnesses to aid them in the fight to uphold their constitutional rights. The trio have joined the mass defense for…
Demanding Justice, In The Courtrooms And In The Streets

By Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and K. Kendall On Monday, April 2nd, members of Occupy Portland were once again swarming around the area of Chapman and Lownsdale Squares, bringing their grievances to the courts and City Hall. On this beautiful spring day, folks might have wished to be somewhere else enjoying themselves, but many were…
Constitutional Rights on Trial

By Kendall Five Occupiers arrested in the February 6 and 29 actions were rearraigned today in Judge Cheryl Albrecht’s courtroom at Multnomah County Courthouse. With the support of Stu Sugarman and the Portland National Lawyers’ Guild, those appearing today filed Motions to Join, which means they’ll appear for hearings with other Occupiers, 75 in all,…
Jury Finds Occupy Seattle Protesters Not Guilty of Locking Down Chase Bank

By Occupy Seattle Media On Thursday, March 15th, five Occupiers who shut down a Chase Bank in the city of Seattle on November 2nd of 2011 heard their verdict: not guilty. When the unanimous decision by the jury of six was announced today the shock and elation, of the five occupiers and their supporters swept…
Occupy Portland Ramps up Legislative Initiatives
by Alex Pio Over the past few months several of Occupy Portland’s committees have been busy working on legislative items to enact far-reaching social and political changes. These groups are now emerging from the background in the New Year with a number of events and initiatives to advocate large-scale change for the 99%. Back in…