CLASSLESS AND CLASSIST Story by Pete Shaw Since Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo) and the City of Portland came to an agreement in July to move the rest area for people without housing to a spot in the Pearl District, those opposed to the move have been trying to walk a tightrope. On the one…
Tag: City Hall
“Dream” Move Challenged by Ugly Reality of Class Politics
Story and photos by Pete Shaw The Portland City Council will be hearing testimony this Thursday, October 3, as it considers granting Right 2 Dream Too a permit to continue its work helping people without housing at a new location. The group is planning a move from West Burnside to NW Lovejoy Court and NW…
City Takes Whack At Populist Services; Golf Unscathed by Austerity Cuts
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By Barbara G. Ellis and Pam Allee The Taxpayers’ Budget Committee First of Two Parts Civic leadership’s real values and priorities tend to be revealed when hard times force significant budget shortfalls. This study of Portland’s Bureau of Parks and Recreation’s Enterprise unit—the Golf Fund—by the Taxpayers’ Budget Committee has concluded that City values and…
Right 2 Dream Too Has a New Home
By Pete Shaw Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo) has found a new home. The rest stop for people without housing whose successful model has helped people find not only rest, sanctuary, and safety, but jobs and housing has reached an agreement with Bureau of Development Services (BDS) Commissioner Amanda Fritz that will see it moving…
City Workers Fight Privatization; Demand Fair Contract

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Over 300 people converged in downtown Portland on August 14 to to demand that city managers negotiate in good faith with the District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU), the 7-union coalition that operates jointly in bargaining with the city. DCTU members–who hail from AFSCME Local 189, Laborers Local 483,…
R2DToo In Court Fighting for Housing Rights
Story and photo by Pete Shaw The thought of camping conjures images of freedom, romance, and perhaps even daring. Pitch a tent, lie under clear skies, sit in front of an open fire telling stories or picking a guitar. Forage for food that will become dinner. Hike down a trail to a pristine lake and…
Portland Water Fluoridation Debate Flows On
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Story and photo by Pete Shaw The Portland City Council unleashed a torrent of community activism last September when it unanimously voted to fluoridate Portland’s drinking water. Within a month, anti-fluoridation group Clean Water Portland delivered more than twice the necessary signatures to refer the issue to the ballot, where, on three previous occasions, Portland…
Opposition Grows Fierce to Austerity Cuts in Portland
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By Mark Vorpahl On April 11 over 400 people packed the third public Portland Budget Hearing, which was organized by the City of Portland and which left many spilling out beyond the room where the hearing took place. More importantly, for the City Council there was an unexpected critical outpouring from the vast majority who…
The Dream of Sleep
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A Light in the Commons Illumines a Truth Entropy of ordinance Makes for horrid experience Miles of empty real estate Heated for the plumbing Souls shiver on sidewalks Denied legal bedding Shattered Realities And Neighborly Angst Breed environment of Fear No politician will stand against A cadre of neighbors Riddled . . .…
The Choice In Portland: Austerity Versus a People’s Budget
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By Mark Vorpahl It’s no secret that most cities, counties, states and school districts in the U.S. are facing big deficits. What is less understood is the extent to which austerity cuts have become politicians’ bipartisan response to the situation. The dramatic measures being implemented in Portland, Oregon are no exception. By “austerity” is meant…