By Barbara G. Ellis and Pam Allee The Taxpayers’ Budget Committee First of Two Parts Civic leadership’s real values and priorities tend to be revealed when hard times force significant budget shortfalls. This study of Portland’s Bureau of Parks and Recreation’s Enterprise unit—the Golf Fund—by the Taxpayers’ Budget Committee has concluded that City values and…
Tag: Austerity
Solidarity Against Austerity on November 3rd: We the People Are Who Matter

By Pete Shaw On a summer Monday I was walking through downtown Kenton, excited at the thought of picking up John Coltrane’s Interstellar Space which was awaiting me on the hold shelf of the Multnomah County Library branch on North Denver Avenue. When I got to the library, however, it was closed. I later found…
The First Domino Falls in Greece
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by Shamus Cooke After the last Greek elections rejected austerity and caused a global uproar, early polling indicates that the next Greek elections — scheduled for June 17 — will do the same, albeit with more fury. Greece’s situation is not an isolated event, but a bellwether for the industrial world and beyond. The fallout…
10 Things Everyone Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement
by Andrew Gavin Marshall The student strikes in Quebec, which began in February and have lasted for three months, involving roughly 175,000 students in the mostly French-speaking Canadian province, have been subjected to a massive provincial and national media propaganda campaign to demonize and dismiss the students and their struggle. The following is a list…
Why U.S. Politicians Are Quiet About Europe’s Meltdown
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by Shamus Cooke After the Greek elections struck fear into the hearts of the global banksters, the fallout remains uncertain. If the next Greek election produces an anti-austerity government, Greece will almost certainly make a speedy exit from the Euro. If this happens — and it is looking increasingly inevitable — the consequences for the…
The Portland Community Begins to Fight Austerity
by Shamus Cooke On May 5th in Portland, Oregon, a group of eighty activists from a broad array of labor and community groups met to discuss the region’s ongoing budget crises. Instead of simply complaining of cuts however, the meeting was meant to discuss alternatives, both immediate and more structural. Groups that endorsed the event…
Canada’s Economic Collapse and Social Crisis: Class War and the College Crisis
This article was originally published on the author’s website. by Andrew Gavin Marshall What are the Spending Priorities of the Government? In the debate raging over increased costs of tuition in Quebec, increased debt loads of the federal and provincial governments, the need to reduce costs – impose “fiscal austerity” – and find “solutions” to…