by Blake Pendergrass Organizers in Seattle have announced a free political and cultural gathering scheduled for August 11-12. The Everything for Everyone Festival (e4e) will be an outdoor event featuring music, arts, workshops, debates and actions to “continue the spirit of resistance of 2011, and to develop it in new and meaningful ways,” according to…
Tag: art
Hit the Streets to “Tomando Las Calles” (Taking the Streets), PCASC’s Annual Art Show
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by Pete Shaw Portland Central America Solidarity Committee’s (PCASC) second annual art show debuts this Friday, April 6. Like last year’s Criminales Todos (We Are All Criminals), which assembled a worldwide palette of artists, Tomando Las Calles (Taking The Streets) uses multiple media to challenge the labels “criminal” and “illegal”, as well as demanding a…
The Reasons for My Resistance
by Julie Mccurdy the reasons for my resistance…….. still we stand ready for the next assault to our dignity to our senses to our sustainability locked and loaded we stand just because the genocide you peddle is now bottled and loaded into rigs or pipes doesn’t make it any more or less genocide…….. yes i…
Psilly Times
Hip-hop track contributed by Psilly Cyban.
Literature as a Tool for Liberation
by Ahjamu Umi I’m a revolutionary activist. I’m also a writer with a publishing contract. I believe the role of the artist is to raise the consciousness of the people. The capitalist pull is to use your artistic skills not to advance ideas of social consciousness, but to make money. Since many artists are relying…
Occupier Media Roundup for January 13th — 15th
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: The 1 Percent Paint a More Nuanced Portrait of the Rich – Bank of America ATM — Social Design Notes Article: An Oral History of Occupy Wall Street | Politics | Vanity Fair
Cultural Innovation
The struggle between tradition and innovation, which is the principle of internal cultural development in historical societies, can be carried on only through the permanent victory of innovation. Yet cultural innovation is carried by nothing other than the total historical movement which, by becoming conscious of its totality, tends to supersede its own cultural presuppositions…
Art & Greed
Networks of promotion/control slide imperceptibly into networks of surveillance/disinformation. Formerly one only conspired against an established order. Today, conspiring in its favour is a new and flourishing profession. Under spectacular domination people conspire to maintain it, and to guarantee what it along would call its well-being. This conspiracy is a part of its very functioning.…