by Pete Shaw, K. Kendall, and Elona Trogub The US government considers Army private first class Bradley Manning a threat. Such a threat, in fact, that he was held in military prison for over one and a half years–including 10 months in virtual solitary confinement–before being arraigned. Chanting “Free Bradley Manning!” and urging potential enlistees…
Tag: arrests
How Rose Found Her Roar
by Angella Davis Today it was my privilege to sit down with Rose and Pam Hogeweide at Anna Bananas in North Portland to discuss Rose’s arrest on the morning of Occupy Portland’s eviction. They are a dynamic and strong mother and daughter that I first met after seeing proud mother Pam’s twitter posts announcing Rose’s…
Demanding Justice, In The Courtrooms And In The Streets

By Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and K. Kendall On Monday, April 2nd, members of Occupy Portland were once again swarming around the area of Chapman and Lownsdale Squares, bringing their grievances to the courts and City Hall. On this beautiful spring day, folks might have wished to be somewhere else enjoying themselves, but many were…
Constitutional Rights on Trial

By Kendall Five Occupiers arrested in the February 6 and 29 actions were rearraigned today in Judge Cheryl Albrecht’s courtroom at Multnomah County Courthouse. With the support of Stu Sugarman and the Portland National Lawyers’ Guild, those appearing today filed Motions to Join, which means they’ll appear for hearings with other Occupiers, 75 in all,…
Occupy Miami Held at Gunpoint
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This story is from the Occupied News Wire. This story originally appeared at the Occupied Wall Street Journal and on Occupied Stories. The call had been issued by Occupy Atlanta, Occupy Glen Iris and Take Back The Block to occupy Chase Bank and shut it down. Occupy Miami had been in a dormant yet turbulent state for a while. We hadn’t organized any…
Occupy’s Battles in Court

By Jackie Miller Out of the Courthouse, Into the Streets Most Monday afternoons since early this year have been “Occupy Monday” at Judge Cheryl Albrecht’s courtroom. In Multnomah County Circuit Court, room 428, Judge Albrecht has had dozens and dozens of Occupy defendants on her Monday docket—all those charged with violations at protests, who plead…
From Oakland, to All of Occupy
By Vargus Pike & Adam Rothstein January 28th was a day blackened by the dark armor of riot police clear across the North American continent. In Oakland, the efforts of Occupy protesters to build a community center in a long abandoned convention hall were blocked by brutal repression at the hands of law enforcement. Over…
Occupier Media Roundup for January 17th – January 19th
Here’s what The Occupier thinks you should be reading: Showdown looms in Longview | nwLaborPress Daily Kos: Occupy San Diego:Arrested for Felony Conspiracy January 16th, 2012 – Portland Marches To Honor MLK Day « What They’re Feeding Me Occupy Nation Occupy Congress protests at Capitol
N13 Liveblog
ALERT: I was trying to sneak some sleep, but shit has hit the fan. Adam Rothstein here, reporting. 5:20 PM – GA is continuing at Pioneer Square. Okay, folks. Now Im tapped out. And I have to travel tomorrow! Ending this live blog here. Hopefully things will be peaceful now until Occupy City Hall, tomorrow.…
Occupy Portland Protesters Arrested for Breaking Curfew in Jamison Square
Video by our very own Occupy Portland Media Coalition