by S. Brian Wilson I was probably seven years old before it really sunk in that everybody in my town was not celebrating my birthday on July 4. It was an exciting day with parades, picnics, fireworks and, in my case, special birthday parties and gifts. I lived much of my young life with the…
Tag: America
Let’s Take Uncle Sam and Uncle Scrooge off Life-Support (Us)

By Elona Trogub Capitalists are great at making money but they’re terrible at predicting the future. All those dollar signs get in the way of seriously looking at the long-term consequences of their actions. Our government is run by and for capitalists. That’s why the U.S. spends half of the global total on militarization. Capitalism…
Democracy: Now or Later?
by Eric Reygers de·moc·ra·cy noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\ plural de·moc·ra·cies Definition of DEMOCRACY a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority The ideology of our country–America, that is–is an integrated system of democracy aimed towards “freedom” but failing by governmental succession from the majority. Unfortunately, the current American governmental idea of democracy is…