Category: Sections

Black Bloc: Two Wrongs Never Make a Right!

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. By Vargus Pike In the realm of mathematics two negatives when added together…

Speak Out Against Chemical Weapons

By Rochelle Saliba If you showed up at a seminal Occupy Portland moment—eviction day, Shemanski, Jamison—you either were a witness to, or the victim of, tactics currently being deployed by our local police state. Some people bristle at the notion that Portland does indeed constitute a police state. Portlanders, like most Americans, are understandably shaky…

Black Bloc: Things Were Smashed, and Rightfully So!

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. This article was originally published on Indymedia. by (A)-Team What makes something worthy…

Share Your Stories with Occupy Voices

By Michel Losier This coming weekend a project called Occupy Voices will be collecting interviews at the Occupy Solidarity Social Forum (OSSF) this weekend in Olympia, on Saturday from 10am to 4pm, and Sunday starting at 10am. They will also be set up at the Occupy Portland office at St. Francis on Thursday, February 23rd,…

Black Bloc: Concerning the Violent Peace-Police – A Letter to Chris Hedges

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. This article was originally published on The New Inquiry. by David Graeber I…

Literature as a Tool for Liberation

by Ahjamu Umi I’m a revolutionary activist. I’m also a writer with a publishing contract. I believe the role of the artist is to raise the consciousness of the people. The capitalist pull is to use your artistic skills not to advance ideas of social consciousness, but to make money. Since many artists are relying…

Black Bloc: Interview with Chris Hedges

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. This article was originally published in Truthout. by J.A. Myerson Chris Hedges’ syndicated…

Black Bloc: A Brief History

Had enough of discussions about Black Bloc? No? Good! Because we’re running a three-day series on Black Bloc tactics. Click the Black Bloc Series tag to read the other articles, delving into the controversy currently sparking throughout the Occupy movement and beyond. by Adam Rothstein Slowly but surely, the message is getting out that Black…

Lessons Learned from Occupy Oakland: Tactical Response to “Kettling”

This website does not advocate or suggest any specific act. This essay was crafted and published as solely a piece of rhetoric, and it ought to be interpreted as nothing else. by Lester Macgurdy Kettling is the law enforcement tactic of herding protesters into a confined area so that the protesters cannot avoid arrest. This…