By Howard Peter Former and current Portland-area postal workers turned out for a rally at Pioneer Square this past Sunday, January 8, to get the message out that there are some bad changes are coming to America in the form of House Res. 2309 & Senate Bill 1789. Jamie Partridge, a retired postal worker at…
Category: News & Current Events
Save our Postal Service!
by Adam Rothstein, with additional reporting by Portland Occupier correspondents Postal Service employees, union members, citizens, and Occupiers gathered today to rally against US Legislation that would radically downsize the Postal Service, cutting service to millions of customers. There was a rally at Pioneer Square beginning at 2pm, and then a march that went down…
Occupy Portland Ramps up Legislative Initiatives
by Alex Pio Over the past few months several of Occupy Portland’s committees have been busy working on legislative items to enact far-reaching social and political changes. These groups are now emerging from the background in the New Year with a number of events and initiatives to advocate large-scale change for the 99%. Back in…
This Week in Banking News, Saturday, December 31.
If nothing else, it should probably at least be free to be poor A California resident has recently filed a lawsuit against Umpqua Bank over its assessment of overdraft fees. The lawsuit claims that the practice violates the contract between the bank and its customers. It alleges that the bank reordered debits to the plaintiff’s account,…
An Ordinary Injustice (Averted)
by Nicholas Caleb Every once in a while, you get to witness firsthand the sterilized, mechanical, inhuman, and ultimately ordinary injustices of our system’s procedures. On Friday, December 23rd, I received my latest exposure to this melancholy-inspiring fact of life by way of a trip to a property auction. Every weekday at 10 and 11…
This Week In Occupy: December 12th West Coast Port Shutdown
This Week in Banking News, Friday, December 23rd.
Paul Volcker, the economist after whom the rule is named. This is a new weekly feature by Occupier staff. Bank of America paying for the sins of its subsidiary: The largest fair practice settlement in history is still too small if it doesn’t come with a formal admission of wrongdoing. Bank…
Liveblog: LIVE FROM EUGENE on Anti-Eviction Action Night
Hey everybody – Illona here. The Portland Occupier is branching out to support our sister occupations in Cascadia. Tonight, I’ll be reporting from Occupy Eugene on their anti-eviction action night. There isn’t a set deadline for the eviction, as reported in the Register Guard, Eugene police said they have no firm deadline for campers’ departure.…
The Die Is Cast
Last month we published an article concerning the most recent downgrade of the Bank of America Corporation, or BAC, by the credit rating agency Moody’s. The downgrade had triggered a demand for further collateral by the bank’s counterparties–that is, security for those with something to lose should the bank go under. The collateral offered was…
Witnesses: Injured Man Went Unattended For Half an Hour Because the Police Cancelled the Emergency Call
Left: Justin, right, Charles NB: I removed this article the day after posting it (December 15th) in response to a witness of the events and friend of Justin James Bridges contacting me, concerned that Larry Thompson and John Swilley (whose last name I spelled wrong in the original article) had in fact witnessed another man,…