By Vargus Pike Members of the Green Party and the Oregon Progressive Party in conjunction with members of Occupy Portland held a local candidates forum Friday January 27th. The event, in a room above the People’s Co-op on SE 21st Avenue, was an opportunity for Portland mayoral candidates and city council candidates to meet, greet…
Category: News & Current Events
FERPA, higher education and Oregon’s Project ALDER
by Kris Alman U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has called No Child Left Behind (NCLB) a “slow motion train wreck.” [1] Certain aspects of Governor Kitzhaber’s education reforms, under the Oregon Education Investment Board, seem destined to accelerate the train along the path to impending disaster. The Oregonian Editorial Board sees Governor Kitzhaber’s health…
Power/Empowerment: The Voice of the People
by Jenni Miller On January 28th at 7pm, Playback Theater of Portland will be hosting a public performance entitled Power & Empowerment: The Voice of the People. This performance is designed to bring people together to share their personal stories around this topic. With regards to our current political and economic climate Playback Theater is…
A Night at the Portland Candidate Forum
by Simon Travis When I showed up at the “Portland Candidate Forum” on January 19th, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. It was held at St. Philip Neri Church on SE Division and 16th. The League of Women Voters of Portland, and the Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Coalition along with many other co-sponsors organized the…
Police Violence Mars Occupy Portland Rally for Tahrir Anniversary
by Adam Rothstein Occupy Portland activists gathered for a rally and march in Pioneer Square today, but met with violence by the police department when they attempted to take the street. Fired up by the police action, the protesters, already in a mood colored by the shooting of man today in downtown Portland by police,…
Acting Locally at the People’s Forum for Candidates
by Vargus Pike “Think Globally Act Locally” …one of my favorite bumper stickers of all time, short simple and sweet. Time Magazine‘s person of the year for 2011 was The Protestor. Protest: a global phenomenon that started with Mohamed Bouazizi’s self immolation to protest his treatment at the hands of a local official in Tunisia.…
The Student Debt Bubble: Interview with Alan Nasser
by Collin Harris Alan Nasser is professor emeritus of Political Economy at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and co-author of the article “The Student Loan Debt Bubble.” Collin Harris is a freelance writer, media producer, and activist based in Portland, OR. He will be launching MOSS Magazine this winter. Collin Harris: How severe…
Victory? Inching toward possible agreement between ILWU & EGT
by Adam Rothstein ***We’ve heard conflicting statements about the accuracy of the original article. The article below reflects our most current knowledge. We’re awaiting updates and will report as soon as they are available.*** Sources close to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 21 in Longview, Washington say that West Coast Occupations and all…
Progressive Party Joins Occupy on Longview Strike
by Barbara G. Ellis By a unanimous vote of its executive board last Tuesday the Oregon Progressive Party became the only political party so far to join the Occupy movement in condemning the upcoming use of U.S. Coast Guard ships and helicopters as an armed scab force. The federal action is designed to protect a…
UPDATED: EGT to Potentially Settle Contract with ILWU
by Adam Rothstein UPDATE:Occupy the EGT has put out a press release, acknowledging the possibility of a settlement. According to the statement, “Anonymous sources indicate that President McElrath [of the ILWU] has negotiated a tentative agreement, which states that no work at the terminal in Longview will be performed until a labor agreement is reached.”…