Category: Headlines

(Video) #F29 Shut Down the Corporations

f29 shut down the corporations occupy portland

Occupy Portland calls for a national day of non-violent direct action to reclaim our voices and challenge our society’s obsession with profit and greed by shutting down the corporations. We are rejecting a society that does not allow us control of our future. We will reclaim our ability to shape our world in a democratic, cooperative, just and sustainable direction. Already 30+ cities are planning actions. Get involved and find out more at

The Portland Action Lab is a direct action spokes council organizing as part of Occupy Portland. More info at

Right 2 Dream Too – Rally at City Hall

By Shawn Fleek The evening of January 31st, 2012 saw a rally on the steps of City Hall intended to draw attention (and eventually overturn) to the city-wide “camping ban,” a city ordinance which makes it illegal to pitch a tent in a public park. The rally was organized independently of Occupy Portland’s official GA…

Citizens and Candidates Participate in Democracy

By Christina Schüll I walked into Portland’s 2012 Town Hall “Voices of the City” meeting in Hoffman Hall at PSU, expecting to see half a dozen candidates in the middle of discussing their grand ideas of how they promise to make our city a better one. What I found was the soft buzzing of people…

A Hero Speaks Out for a Hero

By Janice Leber Jeff Paterson of the Campaign to Free Bradley Manning is touring the Pacific Northwest, and he stops in Portland this Thursday, Feb. 2 for a rally at the First Unitarian Church on SW 12th and Salmon at 7:00 PM. Bradley Manning is the soldier charged with blowing the whistle on the “Iraq…

Racism 101

by Ahjamu Umi Is the Occupy movement racist? The obvious answer is yes, but there are still going to be plenty of people who wouldn’t agree with that assessment. In fact, it’s a pretty safe bet that a significant number of activists within Occupy would argue Occupy isn’t racist. It’s also probably true that many…

Sleep Is A Human Right

by Shawn Fleek On the evening of January 31st, an overnight sleep-in is scheduled outside of City Hall in Portland, to raise awareness of the city’s camping ban and to attempt to overturn the ban. The following morning at 8:30 AM, a rally will be held on the same topic. Though these actions are not…

From Oakland, to All of Occupy

By Vargus Pike & Adam Rothstein January 28th was a day blackened by the dark armor of riot police clear across the North American continent. In Oakland, the efforts of Occupy protesters to build a community center in a long abandoned convention hall were blocked by brutal repression at the hands of law enforcement. Over…

How Does Non-Violence Work?

by Lester Macgurdy I’ve made a point to ask Cccupy Portland members this titular question and most of the time the person asked had no idea. On the other hand, regardless of what was usually a complete lack of understanding, a great reliance and support of non-violence was still professed. This is the “I know…

God and Country Inc.

Supreme Court Recognizes Privilege of Religious Institutions over Labor Law. By Gene Ogorodov The Supreme Court made a ruling on the second landmark First Amendment case in three years—Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC. On 11 January 2012, the Court’s unanimous decision on this case has further secured the rights of corporations hitherto…

FERPA, higher education and Oregon’s Project ALDER

by Kris Alman U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has called No Child Left Behind (NCLB) a “slow motion train wreck.” [1] Certain aspects of Governor Kitzhaber’s education reforms, under the Oregon Education Investment Board, seem destined to accelerate the train along the path to impending disaster. The Oregonian Editorial Board sees Governor Kitzhaber’s health…