This article is about a currently contentious topic. The editors are posting it along this contrary article, which takes a different perspective. We offer them both, together, as a way of fostering discussion and debate. By Devon Warren The response in Oakland to Occupy Oakland’s move-in day on January 28 came as a surprise for…
Category: Headlines
Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! “F— The Police” Chant Has Got to Go!
This article is about a currently contentious topic. The editors are posting it along this contrary article, which takes a different perspective. We offer them both, together, as a way of fostering discussion and debate. By St Jason I had a debate going to the OccuPicnic at Chapman, but after throwing out my back, doing…
Racism 101 – The Makeup Class
Editors Note: This piece is a follow-up to another piece written by the same author. Read it, and the comments referenced here, by clicking this link. by Ahjamu Umi Although there were several very well thought-out and comprehensive responses to the Racism 101 article, the majority of replies indicate a clear failing grade for the…
by Lester Macgurdy Since Karl Marx’ immense intelligence and noteworthy contributions to the field of Political Economy redefined the working man’s struggle against Capital and made him the pre-eminent anti-capitalist thinker in the 19th Century, anti-capitalist leftism, including Anarchism, has been marching to the beat of his drum. Obscured beneath Marx’s dialectic Materialism lay forgotten…
On the History of a Burned American Flag
This author and this website do not advocate any specific act of violence or crime against property. This essay was crafted and published as solely a piece of rhetoric, and it ought to be interpreted as nothing else. by Adam Rothstein On the night of January 28th, protesters from Occupy Oakland entered Oakland’s City Hall,…
Portland Police Prove the Point of Anti-Police Brutality March
by Nicholas Caleb and Adam Rothstein When the Portland Police tell you that your language is “hostile and escalating,” it is probably a cause for concern. This is what happened on the evening of February 6th, when many people from Occupy Portland first found out about an Anti-Police Brutality March via a Porland Police Bureau…
How ALEC Influences Legislation
This article is from the Occupied News Wire. Originally published in the Boston Occupier. by Josh Sager The American Legislative Exchange Council, otherwise known as ALEC, is a non-profit group funded by some of the largest corporations in our country. ALEC’s diverse corporate donor list includes large petrochemical companies, such as Koch Industries, and pharmaceutical…
by Christina Schüll It was the night of November 14th, and there was a spontaneous late-night march in downtown Portland. Several Occupy camps were evicted by authorities that night, including Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, and Occupy Zürich. Around 10:30, I was leaving the area around Pioneer Square and noticed some folks had their belongings…
Occupy the Legislature
By Adam Rothstein On Wednesday, February 1st, Occupiers from across Oregon gathered at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, to greet the legislators on the first day of the new session, and to make their case against corporate influence in the legislature known. The tone of the rally and lobbying session represented the diversity of…
Narratives of Police Brutality and Persecution: Occupy Portland Media Reports from Oakland
by Adam Rothstein, Paul Cone, and Occupy Portland Media Correspondents Arlo, Mike, and KMT On January 28th, Occupy Oakland attempted to occupy a long-shuttered convention hall, for the purposes of starting a community center. The result was an all-out assault on the protesters of Occupy Oakland by the police force of that city, resulting in…