By Shamus Cooke The Occupy movement’s national day of action — “Shut Down the Corporations” — is a difficult action to assess. Was the action a success or a failure? The first question that needs to be answered is, what were the action’s goals? Many of the activists who performed civil disobedience during the day…
Category: Headlines
The Pretend Society
by S. Brian Willson I was once a young man, very much like the young men and women who have gone to Iraq and Afghanistan as US military soldiers. I grew up believing in the red, white and blue. I believed that the United States had a sacred mission to spread democracy around the world.…
Being Woody Guthrie
By David Glenn Cox Today we have so many celebrities who take on social causes; it is almost a given that they will each have some charity or cause that they support. That is good, I suppose, but still there is a clear distinction between being socially conscious and being Woody Guthrie. Woody has…
A Brief Musing and Pathetically Informal Manifesto on Humanitism
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by Nate Perkins This is the internet’s greatest success: It is a private club that welcomes everyone and discriminates only against those who break the social contract that has arisen organically as a reflection of humanity. – a meshnet illuminatus by the name of DngrZnExpwyClosed The humanist focuses on the human as the cardinal, atomic…
(Video) Shut Down ALEC Corporations #F29 Fun at Occupy Portland
Tracking Tear Gas
This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Allison Brown, Udi Pladott and Maia Ramnath for the OWS Global Justice Working Group. One of the biggest clues to understanding the connections among grassroots democratic uprisings across the world may be found by tracking connections…
Portland and 70 Cities Nationwide Stand up to Corporate Greed and ALEC
by Portland Occupier correspondents Today Portlanders join concerned citizens, students, and Occupiers in over seventy cities across the nation to target corporations and legislators involved in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The largest corporations in America, including ExxonMobil, Bank of America, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, and Walmart use ALEC to funnel donations to legislators and…
F29 Live Blog

Welcome to the Portland Occupier Live Blog for the February 29th, Shutdown the Corporations action! Adam Rothstein here, editing the live blog, taking reports from our correspondents. Our partners for today’s media cover include OPDXLive, one of the Livestream groups hosting a dedicated page, and Portland Action Lab, organizers of the call for the day…
Defensive Black Bloc Tactics
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by Shawn Fleek ‘De-arrest‘ – Street tactic used by marchers and protesters who directly engage with police to assist in the escape of individuals who are in the process of being arrested. When a participant is apprehended by authorities, one or more people will rush the officer an attempt to either confuse them or pull…
Portland Charter Review Commission Hears More Public Testimony About Police Accountability Amendments
by Mungen Cakes The final public meeting to hear testimony on proposed amendments to the Portland City Charter was held Wednesday, February 22, in the Auditorium of the Portland Building. On Wednesday, February 29, from 6-9 pm in City Hall, the commission will vote to determine whether amendments to the city charter, outlawing the herding…