Category: Headlines

Peace and Justice Works Protests Continued US Presence in Iraq

By Mungen Cakes On Tuesday March 20, a Visibility Action was organized by Peace and Justice Works’ Iraq Affinity Group to mark the nine year anniversary of the US occupation of Iraq. Titled “Casualties of Iraq Nine Years Later: US Out!”, the object of the action was to remind people that there are still 16,000…

Back To The Future: One More Argument For Non-Violent Action

by Emily Lehr “Hope remains only in the most difficult task of all: to reconsider everything from the ground up, so as to shape a living society inside a dying society.” –Albert Camus It seems to me that the magic of Occupy lies in its origins. Consensus, dialogue, reclamation of space—these are the ways in…

Committee to End Homelessness and Portland’s Ten-Year Plan

by Shawn Fleek Occupy Portland’s Committee to End Homelessness is holding a meeting at the First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson St, on March 21st from 3 to 5 pm. The meeting is open to the public, who are invited to bring ideas about how to solve Portland’s homelessness problem. The city is currently…

East County School Teachers Stand Strong Against Cuts to Education

By Greg Margolis and Adam Rothstein A critical part of the strategy of the corporate campaign to maximize profits has been focused on attacking organized workers and eliminating unions. Over the last forty years this systemic attack on workers has successfully eliminated most unions in the private sector. Today, the emphasis is on public workers.…

Occupy Miami Held at Gunpoint

This story is from the Occupied News Wire.  This story originally appeared at the Occupied Wall Street Journal and on Occupied Stories. The call had been issued by Occupy Atlanta, Occupy Glen Iris and Take Back The Block to occupy Chase Bank and shut it down. Occupy Miami had been in a dormant yet turbulent state for a while. We hadn’t organized any…

UPDATE: A Repairable Racism Within Occupy Portland

Please See Below for Update By Ahjamu Umi A few weeks ago, I wrote two articles on racism within the Occupy movement. Although I, and several people who responded to my articles, supplied several examples of how racism exists within the Occupy movement (simply because racism exists in every aspect of U.S. society and Occupy…