Category: Headlines

Mother Nature Continues Her Rampage on the South Park Blocks

By Portland Occupier Staff In an escalation of recent ‘green bloc’ tactics, Mother Nature continued her rampage this morning. This time, a direct-action took form of falling a major limb off an elm tree on the South Park Blocks, causing damage to a parked car and a building, and just missing another potential target, the…

Beneath the Pavement – The Historical Struggle of the Commons

by Robin Banks On the one hand, there are the forces of control. There are commercial interests which see the commons as theirs – to transport their goods, to advertise and sell their products, to facilitate the functional operation of the machine. Acting on their behalf are the police and politicians, who enforce this relationship…

Labor Solidarity Commitee Plans Job-Finding Assembly

by Barbara Ellis A Job-Finding Assembly for the long-term unemployed in Multnomah’s East County and Clackamas county by Occupy Portland’s Labor Solidarity Committee is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, April 15. It will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. at SEIU Local 503’s headquarters, 64th and SE Holgate Boulevard. The purpose is to organize this…

Teachers Need Their Community to Stand With Them Against Exploitation

by Greg Margolis On March 20, 2012, an estimated crowd of 1,500 teachers and community members, including parents and students, gathered in the Gresham High School gymnasium to rally and march in support of the Gresham-Barlow Education Association, Reynolds Education Association and Parkrose Faculty Association in their efforts to bargain a fair contract with the…

Occupy May Day: Not Your Usual General Strike

by Jeremy Brecher Based on a talk by Jeremy Brecher to Occupy University, Zuccotti Park. Last December, Occupy Los Angeles proposed a General Strike on May 1 “for migrant rights, jobs for all, a moratorium on foreclosures, and peace – and to recognize housing, education and health care as human rights.”  The idea has spread…

State Harassment

by Kathryn Kendall Note: Throughout this article, people are identified as white or black, because the historical perception of “white” and “black” is part of the power dynamic being described. In his book “Race Matters”, Cornel West writes, “Without the presence of black people in America, European-Americans would not be “white”– they would be Irish,…

Portland General Assembly Returns to Terry Schrunk Plaza

By Mungen Cakes On Sunday March 25, for the first time since eviction, Occupy Portland General Assembly was held in Terry Schrunk Plaza. For the past four months the GA has been held under cover at Director Park, eight blocks away. It was moved back to the open air venue, for one night, in solidarity…

The History of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement

by Sandy Polishuk The spark that ignited the social and political activism of young people in the decade known as “the 60s” flashed on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley in 1964. The Berkeley Free Speech Movement grew out of the Civil Rights movement of the previous decade, and from resistance to…

The Case for Voting

This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published by The Boston Occupier. By Josh Sager The voting booth is the means by which average Americans can directly affect their federal, state, and local governments. Voting allows Americans to select politicians who represent the views and ideologies that they would like represented in…