Category: Headlines

An Interview With Noam Chomsky

This story is from the Occupied News Wire.  It originally appeared at the Boston Occupier. In early March, Boston Occupier staffer D.J. Buschini sat down with Noam Chomsky, M.I.T. linguistics professor and acclaimed intellectual. The full text and video of this exclusive will be published shortly on DJ Buschini: A good deal of committed…

Surprise! Occupy Portland Celebrates Manning, Shuts Down Recruiters

by Pete Shaw, K. Kendall, and Elona Trogub The US government considers Army private first class Bradley Manning a threat. Such a threat, in fact, that he was held in military prison for over one and a half years–including 10 months in virtual solitary confinement–before being arraigned. Chanting “Free Bradley Manning!” and urging potential enlistees…

UPDATED: East County Teachers Back to Work

UPDATED at 10:10 a.m. According to a report from Occupy Portland Labor Solidarity committee, teachers and the school district have reached a tentative agreement and are going back to work at 10 a.m. this morning. By Emily Crum and Adam Sanchez After months at the negotiating table with intransigent school boards, 550 teachers from the…

Open Letter to Mayor Adams

by Kip Silverman Mayor Adams, In response to your recent tweet referencing Occupy Portland being in Chapman Square stating: “I gave it a try. Not safe,” I would just like to say that this comment is ridiculous. The “safety” issues raised by yourself and your chief of staff Jennifer Yocum and others were addressed when…

The Downside of Spontaneity When the Police Plan to Act Up

by Adam Rothstein On the night of Saturday, April 21, a group of Occupy Portland activists briefly “re-occupied” Chapman Square, spurred by a Facebook post sent that very evening. The media, the city, and the Police have, as usual, engaged in their own misguided interpretation of events, attempting to spin it as a trash-talking, beer-drinking…

A Brief History of May Day

This article is from the Occupied News Wire.  It originally appeared in the Occupied Oakland Tribune. By Scott Johnson – @OakScott For nearly 150 years, May 1st has been an international day to celebrate and defend the rights of the working class. While the immigrant rights movement and the Occupy movement have helped bring it…

Everything for Everyone

by Blake Pendergrass Organizers in Seattle have announced a free political and cultural gathering scheduled for August 11-12. The Everything for Everyone Festival (e4e) will be an outdoor event featuring music, arts, workshops, debates and actions to “continue the spirit of resistance of 2011, and to develop it in new and meaningful ways,” according to…

An EPIC Lawsuit to Protect Education Privacy

by Kris Alman The sub-title of an article in the current issue of the Atlantic Monthly, The Data-Driven Parent, asks, “Will statistical analytics make for healthier, happier babies—or more anxious adults?” I think it’s only a matter of time before the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, the bible for psychiatrists, includes data-driven madness. But before that, the…