Category: Headlines

The Next Stage in the Destruction of Syria

by Shamus Cooke The U.S. media has made its intentions clear: the ‘rebels’ attacking Syria’s government must have more support to advance Syria’s “revolution.”  This was the result of the much-hyped advance of Syria’s rebels into the country’s two largest cities, which the western media portrayed as a defining moment in global democracy. But “journalists”…

Celebrating the 14th Amendment: Long May It Stand?

by Michael Hulshof-Schmidt On July 9, 1868 the 14th Amendment was passed to the United States Constitution.  Not only did the 14th Amendment overturn one of the worst U.S. Supreme Court rulings, the Dred Scott case which precluded African Americans from voting by denying them the status of U.S. citizenship, it also helped to pave the way…

Houston Janitors Strike for Economic Justice

by Mark Vorpahl Echoing the story of David vs. Goliath, janitors in Houston are on strike and taking on such corporate giants as JPMorgan Chase and Exxon Mobil in an effort to pressure the janitorial companies they employ to agree to the workers’ modest demands. It is these big business behemoths that are the real…

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Extremist 1% Global Attack

by Mark Vorpahl An international cabal of corporate lobbyists met behind closed doors in San Diego from July 1 – 7. Their aim was to move the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) toward completion. TPP negotiations have been in process for over two years, yet, until recently, its proposals and agreements have been carefully screened from public…

Targets of the FBI’s Portland Witch Hunt Speak Out, Urge Action

Report and Photos by Pete Shaw Dennison Williams and Leah-Lynne Plante, two citizens of Portland, have been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury investigating anarchists in the Pacific Northwest. The grand jury is convening in Seattle, Washington, and Plante and Williams are scheduled to appear before it on Thursday, August 2nd. Williams stated at…

Chase and CVS Squeeze Local Businesses

This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Shepherd Bliss I’ve operated the small artisan Kokopelli Farm, which grows mainly berries, for the last 20 years. It is located a couple of miles from small-town Sebastopol’s downtown commons in Northern California. Our town has…

Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution

By Shamus Cooke The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good. The heat wave has helped convince tens of millions of Americans that climate change is real, overpowering…

Occupy Portland Elder Caucus Meets with the Mayor’s Office to Discuss Police Abuse

By Lauren Paulson On May Day, 2012 Portland police abuse was chillingly captured on camera throughout Portland that day.  This resonated with Occupy Portland’s senior group, The Elder Caucus.  Immediately, thereafter, members of The Elder Caucus coalesced with a purpose to address Portland’s problem of police abuse directly with the Mayor’s office. First, the Elders…