By Kari Koch There were several critical successes of N3—the November 3rd Solidarity Against Austerity mobilization—including mobilizing 1200 people in the streets, putting the concept of austerity into mainstream conversation in Portland as a program of an economic system that is fundamentally flawed, engaging dozens of new folks in mobilization organizing, and building working relationships…
Category: Headlines
Bob Dylan’s Latest Album to Bring More Jobs, or How to Distract from the Truth About Coal Exports
Story and photos by Pete Shaw Over 800 people packed themselves into the Abridge ballroom of the Ambridge Event Center on NE Martin Luther King Boulevard on Thursday December 6th for the last of three Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) hearings prior to DEQ determining whether it will issue a draft permit to Ambre…
“We Want Safe Communities!”: Community Tells Sheriff Not to Work with ICE
Story by Pete Shaw Highlighting the growing national movement away from blanket policies to honor Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) holds, over 75 people gathered outside the Multnomah County Building on December 10th to urge Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton to limit the use of ICE holds in Multnomah County jails immediately. The rally comes…
Labor’s Call to Action: The Grand Bargain Betrayal
By Shamus Cooke The labor movement is in terminal crisis. After decades of declining membership the union movement has been targeted for destruction: private sector union membership is near eradication, and now the corporations are on a public-sector mopping up mission, using the city, state, and federal budget deficits as an excuse to target public…
Threat to ILWU Rallying Point for All Workers
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Story and photos by Pete Shaw The contract being offered to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) by the Pacific Northwest Grain Handlers Association (PNGHA) has little effect on wages, but seeks vast changes to workplace rules, particularly those dealing with hiring and safety. Though the contract signing deadline of November 28 has been…
Why Aren’t There More Black People in Oregon?

Story by Pete Shaw “When is history not history?” asks Walidah Imarisha, at a recent Why Aren’t There More Black People in Oregon? presentation sponsored by the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project. Imarisha, a Portland State University and Oregon State University instructor, poses the question to our group after we have spent 90 minutes examining, wrestling…
Foreclosure Resister Unbowed Under Thanksgiving Eviction Threat
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Workers Protest At Fund For Public Interest Research

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Banging pots and pans and getting the support of passing cars honking horns, 160 supporters of workers from the Fund for Public Interest, the paid fundraisers for OSPIRG and Environment Oregon, marched along SE Grand and Morrison on November 14th, demanding employees be treated with dignity and respect. Fifteen…
Standing in Solidarity Against Israel’s War On Gaza

Story and photos by joyofresistance About 200 people showed up Saturday to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza and demand an end to Israel’s ongoing attacks on Gaza. On November 14, two days after a truce agreement between Israel and Hamas, Israel fired a missile into Gaza, targeting and killing Ahmed Jabari, leader…
Portland Anti-Eviction Movement Taking Names, Gaining Ground

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Fifty supporters of the eviction resistance movement gathered outside City Hall on November 16 to demand the City of Portland and Multnomah County declare a moratorium on evictions and the use of city police to help the sheriff enforce evictions. “We are bringing the fight to City Hall,” said…