Category: Headlines

East Coast Roads Take Me Home

  Story and Photos by Pete Shaw Every so often, when mentioning that I write for this publication, I get asked whatever happened to the Occupy Movement. The question often confuses me because it implies a singularity where I see linearity or even a sort of feedback loop that links past with present and constantly…

TPP Remains Major Threat: GMO Labeling Coming to Oregon Ballot

Story and photos by Pete Shaw Fair trade advocates scored a major victory earlier this year when Congress failed to hand over fast track authority on trade issues to President Obama. That triumph, which currently has quashed hopes of passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), was due to extensive and effective organizing on the part of…

Communities Fight for History on Road to Justice

Story by Pete Shaw Of all the forms of struggle against oppression, there is none more fundamental than memory. It is the substrate from which all resistance germinates.  Nurtured and nourished, those sprouts bloom, fruit, and scatter more seed upon ground both hallowed and fallow, their shoots pushing up with great tenacity against at times…

Caleb or Saltzman?

By Pete Hybertsen For the first time in too long, Portland voters have a viable, independent candidate to support in this election. Nicholas Caleb’s campaign has tapped into a well of discontent with Portland’s current leadership. In just a few weeks, his campaign has turned a few thousand dollars and the energy of volunteers into…