by Vargus Pike Mr President, On January 26th, 2011 a statement was issued by you regarding the ongoing violence perpetrated on the peoples of Egypt by their government under Mubarak. You specifically said, “The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free…
Category: Vargus Pike
From Oakland, to All of Occupy
By Vargus Pike & Adam Rothstein January 28th was a day blackened by the dark armor of riot police clear across the North American continent. In Oakland, the efforts of Occupy protesters to build a community center in a long abandoned convention hall were blocked by brutal repression at the hands of law enforcement. Over…
Observations on the Portland Local Candidate’s Forum
By Vargus Pike Members of the Green Party and the Oregon Progressive Party in conjunction with members of Occupy Portland held a local candidates forum Friday January 27th. The event, in a room above the People’s Co-op on SE 21st Avenue, was an opportunity for Portland mayoral candidates and city council candidates to meet, greet…
Acting Locally at the People’s Forum for Candidates
by Vargus Pike “Think Globally Act Locally” …one of my favorite bumper stickers of all time, short simple and sweet. Time Magazine‘s person of the year for 2011 was The Protestor. Protest: a global phenomenon that started with Mohamed Bouazizi’s self immolation to protest his treatment at the hands of a local official in Tunisia.…