“Our dreams don’t fit in their ballot boxes”
On November 3rd Occupy Portland and the Portland Action Lab invites all people to mobilize, march, and take direct action against austerity. Corporations control our governments, hoard wealth, privatize our community resources, and burden us with enormous debt — this is AUSTERITY and we say Enough is Enough! We resist 1% austerity budgets at all levels, creating massive cuts to education, healthcare, and other social services. Our power is in our neighborhoods, building alternatives, and taking to the streets! Let the wealthy and corporations pay for the crisis they created. No matter who is elected, we are part of building a movement where our communities will make our own decisions and control our own resources. On November 3rd, we vote with our feet! Solidarity against austerity!
Occupy Portland and the Portland Action Lab is leading a national call to action uniting diverse social movements. On November 3rd Portland will join cities across the country to say Solidarity Against Austerity! Corporations control our governments, hoard wealth, privatize our community resources, and burden us with enormous debt — This is AUSTERITY and we say Enough is Enough!
We invite you as an individual or as a representative of your organization to join the Solidarity Against Austerity spokes council. Please join one of the existing spokes or come as an affinity group wanting to take action against the corporations on November 3rd. Our next meeting will be announced shortly on Portland Action Lab website, www.PortlandActionLab.org.
Groups that want to participate in the day of action are invited to form an affinity group and organizing direct actions on Nov 3rd; this can be done without participating in the spokescouncil, though we encourage all affinity groups and organizations to coordinate and be in touch with the Action Lab in advance of Nov 3rd. Portland Action Lab, the group that organized the Occupy the Banks Day of Action and Feb 29th Shut Down the Corporations Day of Action operates on a spokes council model. Small groups focusing on specific tasks (outreach, media, logistics, training, process, etc) meet outside of and during planning sessions and report back to the group with updates and questions
This is a national call to action brought forth by Occupy Portland. We need your help to reach Occupy Movements and other like minded organizations across the nation.
Links to more information:
Solidarity Against Austerity, the national call to action site: www.solidarityagainstausterity.org
Portland Action Lab, info on how to get involved locally: www.portlandactionlab.org
Facebook Event for the Portland event
Facebook page for the National Call to Action
Portland Action Lab Facebook page
Portland Action Lab Twitter: @ActionLabPDX