Story by Pete Shaw In recent weeks there has been widespread media coverage of the plight of refugee children entering the US after fleeing violence in Central America. While those numbers had been steadily increasing over the past few years, they jumped to crisis levels a few months ago. Despite its obligations under international law…
Month: August 2014
Activists Call for Moratorium on Retaliation Against Refugee Children
Story by Pete Shaw Since last October over 57,000 unaccompanied children have been detained while crossing the Mexico-US border. About 75% of them are fleeing violence in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, countries where US foreign policy elements such as so-called free trade agreements and the drug war have often resulted in corrupt and brutal…
Gaza Atrocities Called Out
Story by Pete Shaw They have names. Mohammad ‘Atwa Khattab. Hasan Abdul-Majid al-Bayyoumi. Arwa Mahmoud Dheir. You might not know that from the corporate media’s coverage of Israel’s assault on the people of Gaza. But they do have names. Maha Raed Abu Suleiman. Ismael Shahin. Marwa Ahmad Abu Amer. Ahlam No’man Zo’rob. Their names…
Rally Underscored Abysmal Treatment of Refugees, Need for New Immigrant Rights Policy
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Story and photos by Pete Shaw A crowd of 50 people gathered outside the Federal Building in downtown Portland on July 31 to demand an end to the deportations that have torn apart so many immigrant families. Those deportations have also engulfed children who are fleeing violence in Central America–much of it induced by US…
East Coast Roads Take Me Home
Story and Photos by Pete Shaw Every so often, when mentioning that I write for this publication, I get asked whatever happened to the Occupy Movement. The question often confuses me because it implies a singularity where I see linearity or even a sort of feedback loop that links past with present and constantly…