This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Shepherd Bliss I’ve operated the small artisan Kokopelli Farm, which grows mainly berries, for the last 20 years. It is located a couple of miles from small-town Sebastopol’s downtown commons in Northern California. Our town has…
Month: July 2012
Hey Portland, Let’s Give Nature Some Rights and Create A Movement in the Process

[A]t bottom, it seems, it all comes down to a simple but profound truth: that as long as ecological governance remains in the grip of essentially unregulated (liberal or neoliberal) capitalism—a regime responsible for much if not most of the plunder and theft of our ecological wealth in the last, roughly 150 years—there never will…
Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution

By Shamus Cooke The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good. The heat wave has helped convince tens of millions of Americans that climate change is real, overpowering…
Another Portland Homeowner Stands Strong Against Modern Redlining
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Story and Photos by Pete Shaw When the clock ticks past midnight into Saturday July 28th the Multnomah County Sheriff will be able to enforce an eviction notice issued by the Circuit Court of Multnomah County on the house of Annette Steele of 4022 NE 14th Avenue. But Steele, her family, her friends, and her neighbors…
Occupy Portland Elder Caucus Meets with the Mayor’s Office to Discuss Police Abuse

By Lauren Paulson On May Day, 2012 Portland police abuse was chillingly captured on camera throughout Portland that day. This resonated with Occupy Portland’s senior group, The Elder Caucus. Immediately, thereafter, members of The Elder Caucus coalesced with a purpose to address Portland’s problem of police abuse directly with the Mayor’s office. First, the Elders…
Housing Justice Activist Cameron Whitten Ends Hunger Strike

Story and video by Mungen Cakes. Photos by Paul. Citing concessions from and ongoing negotiations with the City of Portland, Cameron Whitten ended his hunger strike today with an event he called “The Big Eat”. He gave a speech in front of city hall at 10 am culminating in a ceremonial bite from a custom…
Community Groups In Solidarity Against FBI Raids

By Pete Shaw A growing number of groups, many of which are based in Portland, have signed on to a statement written by the Committee Against Political Repression condemning the FBI’s recent raids against activists in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle. During the raids the FBI seized computers, black clothing, and anarchist literature. The most recent…
The People Cook Up New Approaches to Global Warming
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Story and photos by Pete Shaw If you’ve got the green, being green seems to be all the rage these days. You can hop in your Prius with some canvas shopping bags, head to the rainwater recycling, solar-powered supermarket, buy some Coca-Cola in a reduced plastic bottle and, while enjoying your caffeine high, feel good…
Book Review: Occupy the Economy

By Shamus Cooke Any book with “Occupy” in the title should be read with great skepticism. Richard Wolff is prepared to attack such suspicion in his book “Occupy the Economy, Challenging Capitalism”. The book has an additional challenge that invites extra suspicion: Richard Wolff writes as an unabashed socialist, and socialists have an awful track…
Cascadians Drop Banner During Obama Fundraising Visit

by John Williams Barack Obama has failed to halt any wars and has greatly expanded presidential power, despite promises to carry out different policies than his predecessor George W. Bush. At noon today, several members of the Cascadia Now! Movement gathered across from Obama’s Portland fundraiser event and dropped a large banner depicting a Sasquatch…