By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer There has been much talk about attempts by various organizations such as the Democratic Party and some top officials in organized labor to co-opt Occupy in order to steer this movement in directions beneficial to themselves. Such attempts can hardly be surprising, given the use that many in the…
Month: June 2012
CISPA Follows SOPA in Attacking Internet Freedom
This article is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Boston Occupier. by Kendra Moyer The Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was drafted by Representative Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) with the stated intention of protecting consumers and business owners by reducing intellectual property theft, identity theft, and perceived “cyber threats.” The bill…
Let’s Take Uncle Sam and Uncle Scrooge off Life-Support (Us)

By Elona Trogub Capitalists are great at making money but they’re terrible at predicting the future. All those dollar signs get in the way of seriously looking at the long-term consequences of their actions. Our government is run by and for capitalists. That’s why the U.S. spends half of the global total on militarization. Capitalism…
Imagining the Post-Occupy Social Movement
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by Shamus Cooke If one were to honestly assess Occupy’s current strengths and weaknesses as a movement, confusion must be the inevitable result. This is because Occupy is not one movement, but an umbrella term that encompasses several different groups that have varied aims, organizational structures, and gaping theoretical differences. Occupy may not be dead,…
From Montreal: An Open Letter to the Mainstream Media

You are a little late to the party, and you are still missing the mark a lot of the time, but in the past few days you have published some not-entirely-terrible articles and op-eds about what’s happening in Quebec right now. Some of you have even started mentioning that when people are rounded up and…
PDX Bike Swarm to Lead Kickoff Ride for Annual Portland Pedalpalooza Bike Festival

By Hart Noecker On Thursday, June 7th at 6pm, in the South Park Blocks near Portland State University, the PDX Bike Swarm will lead the Kickoff Ride for Portland’s annual 3+ week long mega-event PEDALPALOOZA, and as in years past the turnout is expected to be well in the hundreds for this ride alone. With…
What Kind of Job Creation Do We Need?
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by Mark Vorpahl In this presidential election year, when the outcome hinges on the economy, the phrases “job creation” and “job creators” are quick to roll off the candidates’ tongues. It is not hard to see why. With up to 24 million unemployed and underemployed, and those working subject to the downward pressure this creates…
NATO 2012: Dissidents vs. The War Machine

Story and Photographs by @CarrieFoTruth When I left for the NATO summit, I expected the police in Chicago were going to be oppressive against protesters, if not downright violent. There had been quite a bit of media buzz around the Chicago Police Department having spent a million dollars on riot and tactical gear, as well…
Has the FBI Launched a War of Entrapment Against the Occupy Movement?

This is from the Occupied News Wire. It originally appeared in the Occupied Chicago Tribune and at AlterNet. By Arun Gupta With the high-profile arrest of activists on terrorism charges in Cleveland on May Day and in Chicago during the NATO summit there, evidence is mounting that the FBI is unleashing the same methods of entrapment against the Occupy…
Jessica Hollie aka Bella Eiko speaks to the Oakland City Council
This is from the Occupied News Wire. It originally appeared in the Occupied Oakland Tribune. Transcribed by @MrEJFox Can I get the technician to put this image up for a couple of minutes? It’s a close-up of what Bridget was holding just a second ago, so you guys can actually see the reason of us needing this. And…