by Chris Bergsten I have a radical proposal for Occupiers: let’s support a Presidential candidate. Barack Obama rose to the presidency by appealing to the nation’s desire for progress and change. In a time when eight years under President George W. Bush saw us embroiled in illegitimate wars, belligerent foreign policy, a growing police state…
Month: June 2012
It’s Only An Apocalypse When the Zombies Fight Back
This article was original published on The State. by Adam Rothstein Before I even finish writing the phrase, “zombie apocalypse”, there is a good chance you’re horrified—by culturally over-determined boredom, rather than by monsters. The fantasy of the zombie outbreak is becoming ploddingly dull, fired into our crowded consciousness again and again, like rounds from…
Unraveling Chris Hedges’ Inconsistencies

By Shamus Cooke Sometimes reading a Chris Hedges’ article is like drinking a fine glass of wine: one that spills midway and ends in a nasty stain. In a recent article on Canada’s emerging social movement, Hedges hits the mark and inspires as he diagnoses the science of social movements, explaining how the Canadian protest movement…
Pitch a Tent II—the Houseless Strike Back
by joyofresistance The Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade will never be the same again, thanks to Right to Survive (R2S) and houseless activists. This is the second year that R2S, an organization led by houseless and previously unhoused people, put out a call for “Pitch A Tent II—The Houseless Strike Back.” Together with folks from…
AFL-CIO Declares Victory in Wisconsin in the Face of Defeat

By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer In the wake of the Wisconsin elections and the failure to unseat Governor Walker, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has issued a victory statement of sorts, resorting to the most tortured and convoluted logic. For starters, Trumka proclaimed that, “Wisconsin took back its Senate.” Although he did not explain exactly…
The Maple Spring and the Mafiocracy: Struggling Students versus “Entitled Elites”
by Andrew Gavin Marshall It says a great deal about our society when hundreds of thousands of students – already largely indebted, a significant portion of whom live well below the poverty line, who already work what few jobs exist for a generation forgotten before we leave home – take to the streets in protest…
Flash Encampments
This article was originally published on Adbusters. Hey all you wild cats, do-gooders and steadfast rebels out there, Our movement is living through a painful rebirth… “There has been a unfortunate consolidation of power in #OWS,” writes one founding Zuccotti. “This translates into ideological dominance and recurring lines of thought. We are facing a nauseating…
Occupy Wall Street – Taking it to the Streets
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This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Times. by Michael Richmond Two direct actions in three nights. Both started out from Washington Square Park in Lower Manhattan, and both were ostensibly in solidarity with the huge mobilisation of protesters in Québec against raised tuition fees and the…
A Letter to Mayor Sam Adams and his Portland Police
by The Organizers To Mayor Sam Adams, Portland Police: People of the City of Portland, representing all walks of life, will gather in Pioneer Square at 7:00pm on June 11, 2012 to express solidarité with people in Québec and around the world who are asserting their rights to education without lifelong debt-slavery. This event will…
Eviction Court
by Lauren Paulson Eviction Court Any way you look at it, you don’t want to be there. Eviction Court. First floor of the Multnomah County Courthouse. It is a desultory place. The welcome mat is not there for you. To get in you have to get naked. Well almost. There is a gauntlet of ten…