by Vargus Pike
This was written several years ago after the Blackwater massacre
9/16/2007 in Nisour Square, Baghdad
Still seems topical today
Blackwater transforms to…
Black ice cold fingers of death reaching out across a plaza
Freedom transforms too…
Dogs of war tear into flesh, indiscriminate blind to politic.
For I have met the enemy and we are they…
Agents of the state, stateless
Agents of “The law” lawless,
Unaccounted, unaccountable price paid.
The war on terror uses terror
For I have met the enemy and we are they..
Motherless greed creates orphans greedily
Twin sister treason stands unbetrayed
Betraying all those who dare stand against her.
Uncommon in sense, uncommon in valor
For I have met the enemy and we are they…
Justice is blind, not blind to justice
Lest we become blind
Who accounts for men unaccountable?
Unholy wars laid bare
For I have met the enemy and we are they…
Righteousness precedes wrong
Wrong equals not righteous
No matter the equation
Be it righteous and wrong
For I have met the enemy and we are they..
I come to bury Cesar, not to save him
The new age Marc Anarchy declares.
Granted immunity, taken for granted
Grants death for which there is no immunity
For I have met the enemy and we are they…