by Portland Occupier correspondents Today Portlanders join concerned citizens, students, and Occupiers in over seventy cities across the nation to target corporations and legislators involved in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The largest corporations in America, including ExxonMobil, Bank of America, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, and Walmart use ALEC to funnel donations to legislators and…
Month: February 2012
F29 Live Blog

Welcome to the Portland Occupier Live Blog for the February 29th, Shutdown the Corporations action! Adam Rothstein here, editing the live blog, taking reports from our correspondents. Our partners for today’s media cover include OPDXLive, one of the Livestream groups hosting a dedicated page, and Portland Action Lab, organizers of the call for the day…
Defensive Black Bloc Tactics
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by Shawn Fleek ‘De-arrest‘ – Street tactic used by marchers and protesters who directly engage with police to assist in the escape of individuals who are in the process of being arrested. When a participant is apprehended by authorities, one or more people will rush the officer an attempt to either confuse them or pull…
The False History and Misunderstanding of “Non-Violence”
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by Adam Rothstein Recently, the Portland Occupier published an article entitled “Nonviolence Still Wins the Public,” that included a historical list of non-violent protests, intending to highlight how the peacefulness of protesters, especially in the face of violent persecution, won the day for various social movements. This was a very selective history that borders on…
Why Non-Conformity is a Good Thing
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by Lana Buchanan This quote attributed by Robert Green Ingersoll to Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) is a great example of non-conformity: “The Church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a shadow than in the Church.” Imagine if he had not had…
The Occupy Virus
by Chiara T. Ricciardone The Occupy movement is a virus. That is obvious. But the metaphor veers disturbingly into the real—exhibiting the virus’ trademark capacity for metalepsis and contagion—when we think of the lurid stories that broke out in November: “Zucotti lung” at OWS, the deadly canine parvovirus over the bridge at OccupySF. The evictions…
Portland Charter Review Commission Hears More Public Testimony About Police Accountability Amendments
by Mungen Cakes The final public meeting to hear testimony on proposed amendments to the Portland City Charter was held Wednesday, February 22, in the Auditorium of the Portland Building. On Wednesday, February 29, from 6-9 pm in City Hall, the commission will vote to determine whether amendments to the city charter, outlawing the herding…
Philosoraptor, Occupy, and Social Change in the Age of the Internet
This story was originally published on The Symbiosis Project. by Sam Smith Hi, I’m Sam from Occupy Tomorrow. I want to talk about something very interesting is happening in our culture right now. There are essentially two forms of culture we interact with every day: Read only culture, and Read/Write culture. Read only culture is…
Purchasing Prisoners, Creating Criminals, and How Occupy Could Be Next
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This story is from the Occupied News Wire. It was originally published in the Occupied Wall Street Journal. by Arvind Dilawar Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), owner of the largest private prison system in the United States, recently sent a letter to 48 states offering up to $250 million to manage government-owned detention centers. The…
Occupy Portland Members Shot While Sleeping
by Lester Macgurdy In the early morning hours of the 21st of this month, two Occupy Portland participants and former Chapman and Lownsdale encampment residents were shot in an act of random violence while asleep under the Morrison bridge. Both men are reported to be in fair condition. The victims have been identified as Carter…